Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm bored, so I'm posting a post. Hamsters are incredibly awesome. And I also like pumpkin pie.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Fog

I do not want to be at school today. Please make this be a weekend. Please?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Everybody's Changing

Including me. It's been over a year since I wrote a post on this blog. I've now been married for almost 4 years. To be honest, it's not working out. The relationship is turning to a place where neither of us are happy. I'm living in fear at the moment, and I'm sick of walking on eggshells around the person I love. I know what I have to do, and friends have given me some information on how to proceed legally. But it's hard. Very very hard. I'm scared of what he might do to me, my animals, and my property. The latter can be replaced, but I'm still scared.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Quizzes

Warm and drifty, like a river in the sun.

We see a peaceful, vacationy summer in your future. Other people plan fancy (exhausting) trips all over creation, but you don't need to leave home to have fun. All you need are a few new yoga moves, a big hammock in the yard, or access to a pool with good lounge chairs. Maybe you'll discover the perfect summer novel (or write your own). Maybe you'll get on a gardening kick and plant a bunch of flowers in the yard. Ahhhh? summer? wonderful, low-key goodness. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it always ends too soon.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Monday, November 17, 2008

Kissing to be Clever

You've got a flirty, seductive side, but you don't like to reveal it in public. Your favorite kisses happen in secluded places, because you only want to share the moment with one particular person, not an audience. People you've never kissed see you as the shy, silent type, but in private, your lips are bold and adventurous.

The Home Stretch

Well, I'm closing in on yet another end to the fall semester. Hopefully I'll only have one more to go. I can't wait for finals to be over.